Impeachment Intermission

I am sick to death of writing about impeachment…taking a breather this week.  At least.

Cool with you?

Well…OK…just a few comments before moving on…

This week, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler…the Human Weeble himself…is dragging in four Constitutional legal scholars to testify.

Three to advocate FOR impeachment…ALL three with known biases against Trump.

Heck…why not get ALL four that are in the tank?   Ya know, go big or go home.

Sounds as exciting as listening to Michael Moore’s arteries hardening.

Thanks…but I’ll pass.

Let’s call a spade a spade…wails of impeachment psychotically started before Trump took the oath of office.  It was always telegraphed.  It was always rigged.  It was always inevitable.

Impeachment as a political tool is precisely NOT what the Founding Fathers intended.


Nobody with an IQ even approaching triple digits takes ANY OF THIS seriously.  Full stop.

Anyone that does TRULY needs help.  Big time.

Don’t be that person.

Anyway, let’s hit some stuff a little more interesting…admittedly a very low bar.

More Media Madness

Now that ex-NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg…dubbed Mini Mike by The Donald…has entered the cast of characters in the Dem presidential fray, his namesake, Bloomberg News, has declared…out loud, stunningly…that they will NOT investigate Bloomberg, nor ANY of the other Dem candidates…but will vigorously investigate Trump.

Not even a feigning of objectivity.  Makes sense, though.

Real journalism died long, long ago, of course.  Dead.  As a doornail.

It’s like Hillary and her massively tone-deaf deplorable comment, which I believe in my gut was the numero uno reason for her electoral bitch-slapping…the other 87 reasons notwithstanding.

Yet now…it’s all cavalierly thrown in your face.  Trump supporters are toothless, knuckle-dragging, illiterate racists…right?

Similarly, journalists proudly, vigorously, and quite transparently, embrace the “resistance.”

Out of the closet on ALL of it.  No pretense.  None.  Nada.  Zippo.

Full on, blatant advocacy of Leftist dogma…complicit in the attempt to destroy a Presidency, and gladly disenfranchise 63 million voters in the process.

The ultimate irony?  It all helps ensure Trump’s re-election.

Dumb asses.

Anyway…feeling generous today, I’ll give you another recent case in point.

Last week, Newsweek political reporter Jessica Kwong wrote the typical snarky and condescending column you’d expect from a piece of shit liberal rag like Newsweek, mocking Trump for spending the Thanksgiving break “tweeting and golfing.”

And doing so with overflowing glee, I reckon.

Except…darn the luck…Trump was ACTUALLY on his way to spend time with the troops in Afghanistan.  And done quite secretly for security purposes…this isn’t like taking a leisurely stroll down the street for a pack of smokes and a Red Bull, after all.

So…credit where credit is due…Newsweek fired this broad, and demoted the editor.

I LOVE happy endings, don’t you?

The Hunter Biden Shit Show.

By ANY measure, Hunter Biden’s had a crappy year.  Not that I give a shit, mind you.

To quote Seinfeld himself…”That’s a shame.”

I mean, all that stuff with him on the Board of Burisma, that Ukrainian gas company, because daddy was VP AND the point man on Ukraine policy…all dredged up again in the latest Trump impeachment hoax.

And raked in millions in the process.  Textbook Swamp Creature.

Well…seems that while he was dating his dead brother’s wife (no, really)…he knocked-up some D.C stripper, who has subsequently given birth.

Stand-up guy, that Hunter…he denied everything.  With overflowing incredulity, no doubt.

Until a pesky little DNA test begged to differ, that is.  Now she’s looking for thousands in legal fees and child support.

Got ONE word for you, Hunter…CONDOMS!!!

He has now filed legal motions to keep his financial records secret.  Says he’s broke.

Huh?  What about those millions he made in Ukraine?

Hmmm…the plot thickens.  STAY TUNED!  And now, a word from our sponsor…Oscar Mayer.

That’ll make sense in a few seconds.

In the First Installment of The Drunken Republican Hot Dog News…

Kate Ovens, a twenty-something food blogger in England, was offered a challenge by a southeast London eatery to devour a three-foot long hot dog…bun, condiments, and all.

The whole shebang, as they say.

THREE FEET!  THIRTY-SIX INCHES!  That’s a yard.  A yard-long hot dog.  My God.  Color me impressed…if not just a smidge turned-on.

The scrumptious dog they created was dubbed the “BFD.”  ‘Nuff said there.

And she devoured it in a mere 25 minutes.  Like the champ that she is.

I think I worship this woman.

Upon successful completion of the task, Ms. Ovens admitted…”This was one of my longest challenges.”


3 thoughts on “Impeachment Intermission

  1. Bob Lieberman

    Let’s take a moment to acknowledge that Jonathan Turley, the Republicans’ legal expert, said in his opening oral remarks that “The use of military aid for a quid pro quo to investigate one’s political opponent, if proven, can be an impeachable offense.”

    Let’s also take a moment to recall the words of Senator Lindsey Graham in 1999: “You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. “Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      I will use this as a teachable moment. Specifically, how liberals and the media continually resort to misleading and mischaracterized assertions by eliminating all context. Mr. Turley in fact did say those words in his statement. And when questioned about it by the Democratic Counsel, was not “allowed” by said Counsel to give the total context when Mr. Turley attempted to continue after referring to “one important caveat” to that specific statement.

      Here’s the total context of that comment from his opening statement…”Indeed, I have previously stated that a quid pro quo to force the investigation of a political rival in exchange for military aid can be impeachable, IF PROVEN. YET MOVING FORWARD PRIMARILY OR EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE UKRAINE CONTROVERSY ON THIS RECORD WOULD BE AS PRECARIOUS AS IT WOULD PREMATURE.”

      And 99.9% of Turley’s testimony was, quite effectively and eloquently, trashing these impeachment efforts. He was the Republican witness after all, who, under oath, disclosed he was NOT a Trump supporter, didn’t vote for him, but voted for Clinton AND Obama.

      Conversely, the three Dem Professors were virulently anti-Trump partisans as documented, not only by their demeanor in the hearing, but by their prior writings, pod cast appearances, etc. So, f*cking of course they all angrily declared Trump should be impeached. Especially the woman on the panel…the one who dragged poor Baron Trump into the conversation…who I’m certain has pussy hats strewn all over her house.

      The anger of these individuals was palpable…vs the calm and measured testimony by Turley. The testimony of all three Dem Professors was, on its face, as biased and useless as it was ridiculous.

      Lack of context, example 2. The next point gives us a 20 year old Lindsey Graham quote advocating for Bill Clinton’s impeachment…vs his defense of Trump now. The “out of context” angle here is that there are mountains of quotes from the likes of Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, excoriating the Clinton impeachment efforts by the GOP twenty years ago…using the very same arguments Republicans are using today.

      This is not to defend one side or another, but to acknowledge that both parties spew out completely contradictory arguments, depending on what side of an issue they happen to fall on at any point in time.

      Breathtaking hypocrisy ON BOTH SIDES.

      So throwing a single quote at me here to make a point is as illegitimate as it is moot.

  2. tacopepper

    Many of us, myself included, don’t object to your beloved President because of politics, nor do we evaluate impeachment because of politics. I’m a lifelong registered Republican who sees a corrupt President who has lied and cheated his way through life, who now has directly, or through his family, sought political aid from foreign entities in Russia and Ukraine. That’s not a political objection, I would just like a President who doesn’t put foreign parties routinely ahead of US citizens. I would also prefer a President who doesn’t routinely sympathize with ruthless dictators such as the ones in Saudi Arabia and North Korea (obviously very effective, as the news reels revealed last weekend).

    Oh, and for a “teaching moment”, perhaps some of the radical conservative talking heads should stop using the term Coup in reference to this legitimate government activity. Riddle me this.. who assumes control for the US government if Trump were actually to be removed from office due to impeachment? Nancy? Chuck? Shifty Schiffler? Nope.. Mike Pence. Some coup.. idiots.

    Bottom line: the objection the MAJORITY of Americans have to Trump runs way deeper than politics. He’s grossly unqualified, makes inaccurate or dishonest statements on a daily basis, and is a complete and total embarrassment to all Americans included decent and smart Republicans who have somehow been brainwashed by this orange piece of dog squeeze.


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